Tag: Writing

Writing 2023 Highlights

Kia ora bloggers

Yesterday we had to write a paragraph about our favourite moment this year. I thought for ages because I have done tons of really fun stuff this year and it was hard to find one moment. The moment I picked was me jumping off a diving board at Pt Erin even though we do not have a photo (The year sixes went at the end of the year) Okay here is my writing:

Splash! Miniscule droplets of blue water dance around me as I travel into the pool at immense speed. My face lights up as I hit the cool refreshing water. Cold tiles hit my warm feet as I anchored onto the bottom of the deep pool. 

“Yeah!!” I yell excitedly.

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Creative writing

Kia ora bloggers

I am going to show you some of my creative writing. We have a creative writing slide that we started this term. I have just started a new story so this is a little bit of it. It is a bit of a cliffhanger.
“ARRH!” screeched T.J as he ran through the thick dense wood. Shadows covered the dirt path and small insects scuttled around aimlessly. “I thought dinosaurs were cool!” T.J muttered to himself as he hid behind a giant Kauri tree.
“Screech!!” a shrill sound hit T.J’s ears like a pin. The raptor was getting closer.
“Why did I listen to that poster!?” Suddenly T.J burst out of the wood and ran all the way back home. As soon as he reached home he slumped on the couch and dropped his backpack. Something shiny dropped out of his bag. 

Have you ever done something like this?

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Complex sentence U.F.O

Kia ora bloggers

Today I am going to share with you some complex sentences about the picture above this writing. The hardest bit of this was actually writing complex sentences instead of wring simple or compound sentences. Here is my writing: Gradually, a hazy blue beam of light drifted down from the  futuristic steel machine, the small child had no fear while her bright red tricycle levitated high above her head, leaves dancing around it.

Can you give me some feedback?

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Creative Writing

Kia ora bloggers

Today I will show you my creative writing. First we got to put a picture from the internet (The one above this writing) that had to be school appropriate. Then we had to write about that picture but we only had one writing session to write the whole story. Here is my story:

 At the creek near the mountain of Oslotation, was an underwater society named Sealsoal. (Weird name, I know!) Not far from the creek, there was a little hut that stood strong. In that little hut, there lived a couple of tough soldiers that absolutely loathed the seals of Sealsoal. You can’t blame them though as the seals were sneaky little thieves that loved anything that shined. Menacingly the soldiers were planning to destroy Sealsoal, for they had lost diamonds, gold, bracelets and more, all to the seals. 

“When shall we strike!?!” screeched Tim. Tim was very into explosives, he was a loose cannon.

 “At the dead of night when everything is dark.” replied Tom who was the brains of the two. Little did they know a sneaky seal named Bryan was lurking in the murky waters near the hut, and he had heard everything. Bryan speed back to Sealsoal to warn everyone. Every seal at Sealsoal listened because they knew that Tim and Tom were pure evil when it came to seals. Once everyone had heard they made a plan. They would invade the hut and steal everything once they were finish they would leave a note the note read: Hello Tim, Good day Tom, It is us the seals we have taken everything you own and if you don’t move far far far far far away we will take one of you next. Sincerely, Seals. Now you can imagine what happened next…or maybe you can’t. Anyway long story short Tim and Tom moved, for they were scared out of their skin.

Do you like writing?         

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Cybersmart Jack and the beanstalk

Kia ora bloggers

Today I will show you some of my Jack and the beanstalk cybersmart writing, we had to get it to one hundred words. You had to write a prequel to why the giant hates humans. The hardest part was making it 100 words.

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Here it is:

One day a giant named Mr big was strolling in the clouds. Suddenly men in shiny armour climbed up a giant green beanstalk and started to throw small spears at him as they pierced his skin blood trickled down. The giant yelped and kicked them down the beanstalk. They banged and crashed and once they reached the bottom one of the men grasped five beans from the stalk. “Be gone!!!!” bellowed the giant and he stomped home. The man with five beans is actually the old man in the original jack and the beanstalk. This is definitely the end. Bye 

La Luna Writing

Kia ora bloggers

Today I will share with you my la luna writing. We were given a short clip and had to finish the story. My story is 705 words long but I will only show you my favourite part. We were working on onomatopoeia and dialogue. Comment if you want to read the whole thing. The writing is below.

Have you seen the clip of la luna?

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Fwoosh sounded the wind as it swiftly rocked the boat.

Rocking silently the boat slowly made progress getting closer and closer to shore.

 Like tiny lamps the stars were blinding.

The three guys sat in silence. The ocean sat still, flat as a piece of thin paper.

The boy (Ben) spotted a small dot on the horizon.

 He leaped out of his seat and slipped.  Splash! the cold water touched every inch of him. He had fallen into the water. “Me boy!” Yelled Spark. 

Spark was not very sympathetic to anyone… except for his only son. He had adopted him when he was just one.

 Spark dived into the bone chilling water to save his son and came up successful with the boy in his arms he tried his best to give him C.P.R. 

Meanwhile Grandpa bit his nails which was quite revolting as he had just cleaned his ear free of wax with his finger. 

The small dot on the horizon was growing bigger by the second.

Ben was still unconscious. But just as grandpa relised what the dot was, Ben woke up.

“PIRATES!!!!!!” Barked Grandpa as fast as he could.

How the Kiwi Saved the Forest

Kia ora bloggers

Today I will show you my re-written version of how the kiwi saved the forest. All the illustrations were draw by yours truly, sorry if they are hard to see of make out. It was a challenge proof reading the whole thing and making all the first letters of the birds names capitals. Overall it was really fun.

Could you give me some feed back on the drawings?

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Moon landing writing

Kia Ora bloggers

Today I will show you my writing. Basically we had to write a story about this image and mine was 664 words long! I enjoyed making up the sir names of the astronauts. I found typing the whole thing tricky for my hand because it got tired. My writing will be below. I have put in bold my favourite part so if you don’t have time just read the bit in bold. I hope you like it!

What is your favourite planet in our solar system excluding moons?

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KKKCCCHHH. The walkie tuned in and out of the receiver blasted a gravelly voice “We will launch in 3…..2…..1 Blast off!” Quinten said as the ship rumbled, all the brave Astronauts were lined up in the cabin room of the ship. There were thirteen astronauts all willing to leave their planet for five or more days. There was Jack Hunter, the most trusted and only astronaut we will need in this story except the captain, Steve Wailer. There were also the men down on earth, Jet Husten and Alex Quintin. Swiftly, the ship tour through the air on course for the moon. But suddenly the spaceship zoomed off the course of the moon. All the astronauts screamed and waved their arms. While only one stayed calm, the space captain Steve. “Husten we have a problem.” said Steve softly while pressing a button. KKKKKKCCCCHHHH “Can you hear me?” Asked Husten “Loud and clear.” Steve said. “Good, so what happe–” “Pardon?” Asked Steve “It wa–” “Pardon?” repeated Steve “It—s sabotage.” “BANG!!!!!!!!!” Something had banged into the ship. “Hunter get your space suit on and go investigate” Jack started to run out of the cabin but Steve stopped him and chucked him a walkie “Take this.” he said. Jack got his suit on as fast as a weasel and hopped out the quick shoot. He spoke into the walkie “You are not going to like this cap’n.” “What is it!” said Steve impatiently. “ It’s Pluto.” Suddenly swirling space rocks banged into the ship. “Space weather is crazy!” Yelled Steve “How long until we can get out of Pluto.” Asked Steve. “3 days.” said Jack. “We’ll have to set up camp on pluto.” Then a giant blob fish looking robot slapped itself onto the ship. Sparkulling the technical spaceship shimmered and shined while the dust flew gracefully around it. Bright lights decorated the sky like glitter. There was chaos outside the ship. Blobs were everywhere. It was like one big dance party. “What the….” said Steve a bit too loudly because every blob started staring at them. “ RUN!!!” Yelled Steve and everyone on the ship sped away to the other side of Pluto and set up camp there. Silently, the astronauts gazed at the tiny living planet all the way from Pluto. 2 nights went by and on the last night the blobs caught up to them. It was a team of 273 blobs against 13 men. The battle raged on for many hours and in the end the men surrendered. “Smart move earthlings.” Said the king blob, he was decorated with a silky red cape and emerald green armour. The blobs lead the astronauts down to the dungeon and down there Steve had only one question: who. Who sabotaged the ship and who is to blame. Just then the radio tuned in KKKKKCCCCCHHHHHHH “ Hello. Hello! Hello, can anyone hear me!”  “JET!!!” Steve exclaimed. “No time for celebration. I’ve just heard you’re on course for Pluto and there are aliens on that planet. Also the man who savertaged you was Quinten!” “We know we are in the ale— Wait did you say Quinten is the guy who savertaged our ship?!?!” “Yes,” said Jet. But just at that moment Hunter burst through the STEEL door using a brick to crush the door. “Everyone out!!” said Hunter. Everyone ran out the door and then hopped in their ship before the security blob even woke up. They zoomed to earth like lightning and their ship was heading to the launch pad. Surprisingly Quinten was cleaning the launch pad that they were about to land on. They squashed him, did not kill him though but a mask flew off his face and revealed a blob. Basically Quinten got canenpolted to earth because he broke the space law, he refused to party so they had no choice. After a lot of meetings Steve shot Quinten out of a cannon and shot him to Mars. It was brutal but fair. THE END


My simple, compound and complex sentences 😄

Kia Ora bloggers

Today I will talk to you about my simple, compound and complex sentences. We had to write a simple compound and complex sentence about the picture above. Mine were: As the spiky grass on the end of the broom swayed the witches flew. The witches were scared yet excited. They almost fell off their brooms with excitement. I hope you liked it!

Do you like reading fiction or non-fiction?

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My (amazing) sick🤒 sentences

Kia Ora bloggers

Today I will share with you some sick sentences so basically we got a picture (that is above this writing) and they gave us these sentences : The witches went through the air. They held onto the brooms. Their skin was green. and we had to add adverbs and stuff like that so these are my sentences : As the witches soared through the air they gripped the brooms as if they were strangling them. Their rough skin was tinted olive green. The bit I found tricky was changing the sentence starters to something more interesting.

Do you believe in witches? 

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