Kia ora bloggers
Today I will share with you my la luna writing. We were given a short clip and had to finish the story. My story is 705 words long but I will only show you my favourite part. We were working on onomatopoeia and dialogue. Comment if you want to read the whole thing. The writing is below.
Have you seen the clip of la luna?
Blog you later
Fwoosh sounded the wind as it swiftly rocked the boat.
Rocking silently the boat slowly made progress getting closer and closer to shore.
Like tiny lamps the stars were blinding.
The three guys sat in silence. The ocean sat still, flat as a piece of thin paper.
The boy (Ben) spotted a small dot on the horizon.
He leaped out of his seat and slipped. Splash! the cold water touched every inch of him. He had fallen into the water. “Me boy!” Yelled Spark.
Spark was not very sympathetic to anyone… except for his only son. He had adopted him when he was just one.
Spark dived into the bone chilling water to save his son and came up successful with the boy in his arms he tried his best to give him C.P.R.
Meanwhile Grandpa bit his nails which was quite revolting as he had just cleaned his ear free of wax with his finger.
The small dot on the horizon was growing bigger by the second.
Ben was still unconscious. But just as grandpa relised what the dot was, Ben woke up.
“PIRATES!!!!!!” Barked Grandpa as fast as he could.