Month: November 2023

Explorer ponder 8

Kia ora bloggers

I think that the first thing I would eliminate would be the grubs because they would carry tons of bacteria. Then I would eliminate the bird because it is unknown so it could also be infected. I would not eat the spider because it is hairy so I would eat the caiman because it never said that you actually had to hunt for it.

What would you eat?

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Would You Rather 7

Kia ora bloggers

I would shrink to the size of a bug because there are some pretty big bugs that are the size of a football and stuff and it did not specify the type of bug or anything. I would not be the size of an ant though.
Being the size of a whale would be so bad because I would not be able to fit inside buildings and all that stuff.

Would you be the size of an ant or the size of a whale?

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Would You Rather 6

Kia ora bloggers

The robot might have a built in jet-pack but lets just say that it doesn’t have one. A robot is good but what if it tried to take over the world. A jet pack would be awesome because you could FLY! Also if I had a robot then it would make me lazy.

Would you rather have a robot or a jet-pack?

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Explorers ponder 6

Kia ora bloggers

I think my ideal first meal would have to be something nice and warm like spaghetti and meatballs or noodles. If I was lost in the wild with people I would eat the meal with them. But then the meal would not have to be fancy ; a cheeseburger would be fine because anything would taste better than a grub pancake.

What would you eat?

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Would you rather 5

Kia ora bloggers

I would easily fly because reading minds is great and all but imagine flying away from someone in tag. The only reason I would pick reading minds is if I had to wear wings because that would just be annoying.

Would you fly or read minds?

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The Explorers 5

Kia ora bloggers

I would go into the water for a clean because I could just cup my hands together and splash myself. I would probably not go in there for too long though. But then on the other hand I swim in the ocean all the time and there are sharks, jellyfish and stingray but I have never got injured.

Would you swim in the river?

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Would You Rather 4

Kia ora bloggers

I would rather have a car that could fly because it would be way more practical. You could get to work or school much faster because you could  skip the traffic. It does not specify that you can breathe in the car so every car can go underwater, right? Also think about if you wanted to sell the car, the one that had been underwater would be scratched up from seaweed and stuff like that. The flying would sell for much much much much much much much much more.

Would you rather have a flying car or a car that could go underwater?

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